Mastering The Boards
Mastering the Boards
Mastering the Boards
These books provide clinically relevant questions of the process of taking a history and performing a physical examination, with sections on Useful Background, and where available, evidence-based performance characteristics of the rendering of our clinical skills.
Mastering the Boards - Neurology
Mastering the Boards - Neurology
Mastering the Boards - Cardiology
Mastering the Boards - Cardiology
Mastering the Boards - Respirology
Mastering the Boards - Respirology
Mastering the Boards - Gastroenterology
Mastering the Boards - Gastroenterology
Mastering the Boards - Hepatology
Mastering the Boards - Hepatology
Mastering the Boards - Rheumology & Endocrinology
Mastering the Boards - Rheumology & Endocrinology
Mastering the Boards - Hematology, Nephrology, and Infectious Diseases
Mastering the Boards - Hematology, Nephrology, and Infectious Diseases